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哈娜-李·塞奇威克著 2024年5月13日

While 纳帕 Valley certainly draws visitors for its world-class wineries and vineyard views, 纳帕不仅仅只有葡萄酒, 这一点在任何地方都比在 Calistoga. 位于ag体育正规北部, 卡利斯托加是品酒的好地方, 毫无疑问, 但它也有一些真正独特的景点, 温泉疗养地, 当地的商店和餐馆, 还有这一地区最美丽的风景.

When you’re ready to experience all that this small town has to offer, 阅读我们关于卡利斯托加八件必做之事的指南.


如果有一个词应该和卡利斯托加联系在一起, 它是放松的, 多亏了该地区众多的矿泉池和水疗中心, 很容易得到R&R是访问时的首要任务. 不仅仅是缓解压力, Calistoga’s hot springs are known for their many therapeutic benefits, 包括缓解肌肉酸痛, 缓解关节炎疼痛, 促进循环健康, 舒缓皮肤状况, while mineral-rich mud baths and massage treatments purify toxins to leave you feeling totally blissed out.

When you’re ready to experience the rejuvenating benefits of the area’s mineral waters, 你有很多选择. Many of the hotels and inns in and around Calistoga offer access to their own on-site mineral pools, 包括 Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村, 卡利斯托加温泉, Solage, 金港温泉 & 度假胜地, making it easy to experience Calistoga’s hot springs at your leisure. Or, you can check out the historic, Olympic-sized mineral pool at 印第安泉度假村. 而酒店客人可以免费使用游泳池, 印第安泉确实提供收费的有限日票, 可预订水疗治疗.


出城几分钟就到了 老忠实间歇泉, where one can witness the spectacular sight of water shooting up into the air every 30 to 40 minutes. While the main attraction is the regular eruption of this famed geyser, 自然, a visit offers a more well-rounded experience than one might expect, 多亏了带地滚球场和小屋的野餐场地, 一个以本地植物和草为特色的花园区域, 现场地质博物馆, 还有一个动物农场, 哪里能找到山羊, 羊, 和骆驼. 美洲驼,侏儒山羊和间歇泉,天啊! 这一切都是卡利斯托加一个难忘的下午.


当伟大的 在户外 Calistoga的Palisade Trail是你要去的地方吗. 虽然往返10英里, 2,1000英尺的登山是具有挑战性的, experienced hikers will be rewarded with beautiful natural scenery and some of the most spectacular views in all of 纳帕 Valley. Just don’t forget to bring your water, as it can get hot in the sun. 简而言之, 选择沿着低燕麦山矿道徒步旅行, a four-and-a-half-mile round trip trek that provides equally wonderful scenery along the way.


If a unique outdoor experience with the family is what you seek, don’t miss a visit to Calistoga’s 石化林. 这片保存完好的古森林值得一看, featuring a majestic display of fossilized redwood trees—the result of being buried in lava over 3 million years ago. Walk along the trails on your own to explore this ancient phenomenon, or opt for a guided tour for a deeper understanding of how this forest came to be.

Sip & 在卡利斯托加市中心购物

人们很容易被卡利斯托加的自然环境所吸引, but it’d be a shame to not spend some time exploring downtown Calistoga. Calistoga has lots of boutique shops and tasting rooms all within walking distance, 这样你就可以轻松地喝上一下午.

图片由 访问Calistoga

计划 to peruse the assortment of artisanal goods for the home and garden at 黑鸟,在这里购买古董商品和复古海报 白手起家,并结帐 Calistoga陶器 因为他们选择的手工陶器. 市中心还有 科波菲尔的书, featuring a wide range of books from local and international authors, 繁荣的巧克力,提供独一无二的巧克力创作 修道院书籍及礼品 (是的, actually located inside a Christian Monastery for women) for a selection of spiritual books, 自制的糖果, 橄榄油, 茶, 和蜂蜜. You’ll also find a variety of art galleries and clothing shops around town that are worth popping into.

图片由 坦克车库酒厂

When you’re ready to whet your palate with some locally made wine, 卡利斯托加的品酒室可以满足每个人的需求. 坐落在一个20世纪30年代的老式加油站, 坦克车库酒厂 charms with its hip vibe and limited-edition blends and natural wines, while nearby T-Vine酒厂 offers a friendly ambiance and single-vineyard wines from some of the last remaining old-vine vineyards in California. 在林肯大道的拐角处, CAMi艺术+葡萄酒 将当代艺术与葡萄酒融合在一起,隔着几扇门, Olabisi 功能有限的生产葡萄酒从一对夫妻.


你可以很容易地留在城里品尝好酒, 从一个品酒室跳到另一个品酒室, but it’s certainly worth jumping in the car and driving a few miles to explore some of the surrounding wineries.

图片由 英镑的葡萄园

距卡利斯托加市中心仅三分钟路程, 英镑的葡萄园 提供的不仅仅是ag体育正规葡萄酒的味道. 酿酒厂坐落在风景如画的山坡上, 在游客品尝的同时,为他们提供史诗般的景色. 是什么让这个酒庄与众不同, 虽然, is that it’s accessible by aerial gondola—and the journey to the top is as memorable as the destination itself.

离镇也只有几分钟路程,但方向相反,是 坦伯贝葡萄园. 这个酒厂是 独特之处在于它位于一个正在运作的马术设施, every part of the wine tasting experience reflects the owners’ love of horses and wine. 参观酿酒设施, 这里曾经是一个有顶棚的马术竞技场, 在原谷仓的院子里品尝葡萄酒之前, 在那里你可以一边欣赏马匹一边啜饮葡萄酒. Be sure to add a picnic lunch or savory cookie pairing to really round out the experience.

图片由 音色省长

At 布莱恩·雅顿, the best way to experience the great wine and hospitality of this super small, 家族所有的酒庄是订的 厨师体验品鉴. 你不仅可以参观酒庄风景如画的场地, 特色美食花园, 鸡, 庄园葡萄园, but you’ll also be treated to a seated wine and 食物 pairing experience featuring five seasonally-inspired courses.

另一个较小的,隐藏的宝石酒厂是 鸭翼, which only recently reopened its 25-acre property to visitors. 从他们的可持续发展, 葡萄地里, owners Rich and Carolyn Czapleski carefully produce nine single vineyard wines to showcase the complexity of their estate’s terroir. Don’t miss the Estate Zinfandel, sourced from the property’s nearly 140-year-old Zinfandel vines.

最后,认真的赤霞珠粉丝不会想错过参观 Larkmead葡萄园它是ag体育正规最古老的家族酿酒厂之一. This tranquil winery offers a personalized tasting experience tailored to each group’s preferences, along with an idyllic Wine Country setting looking out at the vines.


无论你是早餐、午餐还是晚餐都很饿, Calistoga餐厅 咖啡馆提供了休闲氛围和美食的完美结合.

For gourmet coffee and a scrumptious pastry or breakfast sandwich, stop by 山姆百货公司, located in the original cottage of Calistoga’s legendary founder, Samuel Brannan. Or, grab a selection of goods to curate your own picnic lunch later in the day. 长期存在的 咖啡馆Sarafornia 另一个是早餐/午餐人群的首选地点吗, where a menu of comforting classics is offered all day from this quaint, 休闲的地方. While the southwestern-inspired breakfast and lunch offerings at 更好的房子 are a delight, it’s worth dining here for the unique homemade pies alone. 青椒苹果派,有人要吗?

《更好的房子. 威尔金森的
图片由 更好的房子 | Dr. 威尔金森后院度假村

城里最受欢迎的餐厅之一是 伊万杰琳这是卡利斯托加市中心一家“带有克里奥尔灵魂”的法国小酒馆. The covered outdoor patio makes for a lovely setting to enjoy the restaurant’s French bistro classics and creole-inspired dishes. 在路上 山姆会员店 还有其他值得选择的餐厅吗, 加州美食强调新鲜, 当地的食材在俏皮, 创造性的方式.


We know, we know… you probably didn’t come to 纳帕 Valley to try beer. 但是, 卡利斯托加酒店,餐厅 & 啤酒厂 是啤酒的好去处吗. 它的 ag体育正规酿酒公司 是禁酒令后第一家开放的啤酒厂. 今天, the brewery puts as much love and care into making their Pacific Pale Ale and Blitzen IPA as if they were fine Cabernets. Sit in their Beer Garden—one of the best outdoor spaces in UpValley—and don’t forget to order up some grub from the 卡利斯托加酒店餐厅.


Calistoga may be best known for all things rest and relaxation, but it’s certainly no snooze-fest. 无论你是户外运动爱好者还是美食家, there’s a wide variety of things to keep you entertained in this small corner of Wine Country. 开始计划你的旅行吧 卡利斯托加最好的15家酒庄. 享受!